
UN-VAXXED: A Docu-Commentary for Robert De Niro

UN-VAXXED: A DOCU-COMMENTARY FOR ROBERT DE NIRO is an unparalleled production by award-winning author, filmmaker and health science expert, Dr. Leonard G.

Total votes: 74199
F for Franco


Total votes: 6269

Samantha Hunter is a rebellious woman on probation of petty crimes whose father has been murdered by an unknown suspect in Florida.

Total votes: 8332
Remember Us

'Remember Us'

Total votes: 2712
The IBUR Connection

The IBUR Connection is a film about miracles. It was filmed in Israel, the West Bank, Morocco, Ukraine, and Poland.

Total votes: 1800
To Russia for Love or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cold War.

A man who grew up steeped in Cold War era movies believes he has stumbled upon a sinister plot unfolding in Russia and takes it upon himself to foil it.

Total votes: 2839

In this thrilling coming-of-age adventure, a troubled teen must face the dangers of the Alaskan wild, as well as her own past, in order to find her way home.

Total votes: 1288
"Overwhelmed with talent, one young man's struggle between the nightmarish world of addiction, his music and the woman who forces a choice."
Total votes: 1855

Total votes: 1346

In the not too distant

Total votes: 2089


Total votes: 1445
In a World of Bad Breath

Somewhere along the

Total votes: 2746
Now What?


Total votes: 1776

Due to the Fairness in Disablilities Act, the Van Nuys P.D.

Total votes: 904
Now For The Painter - Afternoon Drift

Now for the Painter - Afternoon Drift is a digital seascape and tribute to R.J.W. Turner’s last series of seascape paintings.

Now For The Painter - Afternoon Drift, art video
Total votes: 1512
Now For The Painter - Afternoon Drift

Now for the Painter - Afternoon Drift is a digital seascape and tribute to R.J.W. Turner’s last series of seascape paintings.

Now For The Painter - Afternoon Drift, art video
Total votes: 1536
On the track of Robert van Gulik
Total votes: 5667

Total votes: 2447
Blood Brothers

Sibling rivalry is taken to the next level when the mirrors of a tainted house reflect the feud into the aferlife. 




Total votes: 2383
The Monotone

Total votes: 2738
"The Expediter" - an Independent New York Film

Total votes: 1835
Off Limits

This short film depicts the seduction of a young woman and the p

You voted 4. Total votes: 2649
The Loop

Total votes: 2029

An older man journeys from his bedroom to his favorite chair to take a nap.

Total votes: 12397
Everyday with Gary Bay

Total votes: 4505

Total votes: 2339
A. Sinclair - They Breed and Say Hello

Have you ever party so hard you woke up and didn't remeber what happened? Have you ever partied so hard you woke up and realized you ate all your friends?

Total votes: 1894
The Messenger

Doctor is a psychiastrist with psychic ability, but these days he was awaken by strange voices in languages he does not know.

Total votes: 3840
Innocence Lost:Stories from Children of the Holocaust

At least eleven million people were murdered in the Holocaust carried out by Nazi Germany. Six million of the victims were Jewish.

Total votes: 3086
Innocence Lost:Stories from Children of the Holocaust

At least eleven million people were murdered in the Holocaust carried out by Nazi Germany. Six million of the victims were Jewish.

Total votes: 3233
Seriah's Legacy


Total votes: 3594

This experime

Total votes: 2305

Total votes: 1928

When a struggling writer poses for an 'uber-esque' driver and confronts a Hollywood Producer, a past is unveiled and a future is uncertain.

Total votes: 16605
Barely Managing (Pilot Episode)

Total votes: 3500
City of the Sun
Up to 50 percent of the world’s manganese, a vital metal across the globe, used to be mined in Chiatura, in western Georgia.
Total votes: 3338
Try A Little Tenderness

Total votes: 77466
Golden Thread

Total votes: 893

A model is accidentally

Total votes: 2952


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