Based on real events, the film follows the adventures of coppersmith Bonaventura, his sister Marianna and the rich merchant Vicenç, with whom both have pendi
This documentary aims to present the complexity of human historical discourse and to explore one of the most fundamental, yet often not openly-discussed elem
This fun, historical film is about the friendship of 3 Texas friends, Marty, Tom and Gail, all now seniors in their 70’s, who have known each other since t
Residents of Pripyat and villagers of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone recall the oral history of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster while they define what home mean
While visiting an aunt and uncle in the exotic countryside of Costa Rica, a young Southern belle from Alabama accepted a ride on the back of a motorcycle bel
Behind the Fear: The Hidden Story of HIV
'Behind the Fear,' uncovers the hidden controversy about HIV that the United States government doesn't want you to know exists.