

Twenty years ago, Mr. Dedić, a professional Cellist with his career on the rise suddenly decided to stop playing the Cello, and withdrew from the world.

poster of film Avala
Total votes: 20655
A Spark of Nerve

Dr. Susan E.

Total votes: 6797
The Canaries

Sadly, individuals suffering from mold sickness are often still marked as nothing more but neurotic troublemakers, chronic complainers, or just plain mad.

Total votes: 5634
(See Me) I'm in Here!

(See Me) I’m in Here! is a silent film that uses human expression and the medium of dance to tell the story.

Total votes: 18250
Der Spalt (Gedankenkontrolle) (The Gap (Mind Control))
Total votes: 7279
A Question of Humanity

A young Ugandan woman emerges as an unlikely heroine as she races against time to save the next generation of her people from a mysterious, deadly disease th

Total votes: 3283
Apnée / Apnea

Total votes: 3343

'Forget About It.' is a dark comedy set in Italy and it explores the relationship between Robert (American) and his wife Maggie (Italian), whom suffers from

Total votes: 11477
Shoot Granny (Shoot Granny)

Shoot Granny or when what seems to be a common tea time between three elderly ladies turns out to be the starting point of an eve as funny and lively as any

Total votes: 2839
The Other Dreamers (The Other Dreamers)

The Other Dreamers is a special documentary about a group of disabled children in Israel. During a whole year, the film follows their dreams and hopes.

Total votes: 5938
Mi peor enemiga (My worst enemy)

Lara is a teen harassed by her roommate, she insist in to torment Lara life whit insults and comments about the Lara size, making that Lara feeling fat and b

Total votes: 1903
Vera's Song (Vera's Song)
Total votes: 2514
A Dreamer’s Nightmare

“A Dreamer’s Nightmare”

Genre: Immigration-thriller


Total votes: 2153

Add Poster Image While the kids in my class went to the local country club, I went to swim with the amputees.

Total votes: 6363

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