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Apnée / Apnea


Sophie is hardly getting better after her fall. She's aiming to the surface to reach her people, reviving the moments that lead to her collapse, trying to keep her head out of the water. She needs to face her entourage but can't trust anyone anymore : she knows their intentions and stays cautious because behind their nice gestures lie darker motives. Or is her perception blurred, as she is drawn to the bottom again ? (Adapted from the graphic novel by Zviane)


Sophie se remet difficilement de sa chute. Elle remonte lentement à la surface parmi les siens, revivant les moments qui ont précédé son effondrement et tentant de garder la tête hors de l’eau. Elle doit confronter son entourage en qui elle n’a plus confiance. Elle connaît leurs intentions et s’en méfie, car derrière leurs beaux gestes se cachent de sombres motifs. Sa vision est-elle embrouillée alors qu’elle est attirée à nouveau vers le fond ? (Adapté du roman graphique de Zviane)

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience:


Adapted from the graphic novel by Zviane. 

Screenings / Awards: 

FCVQ 2016 (Québec City, Québec, Canada)

FICAT 2016 (Rouyn-Noranda, Québec, Canada)

RVCQ 2017 (Montréal, Québec, Canada)

Regard sur le court 2017 (Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada)

New York City Independent Film Festival 2017 (NY, USA)

Distribution budget: 
Directed by: 
Alexis Chartrand
Writing credits: 
Alexis Chartrand
Alexa-Jeanne Dubé, Camille Mongeau, Guillaume Laurin, Jade-Mariuka Robitaille, Marie-France Marcotte, Daniel Malenfant & Maurice Chartrand
Produced by: 
Caroline Galipeau
Music by: 
Eric Shaw
Cinematography by: 
Lena Mill-Reuillard
Film Editing by: 
Alexis Chartrand
Casting by: 
Marjolaine Lachance (Balustrade Casting)
Art Direction by: 
Jenn Pocobene
Set Decoration by: 
Jenn Pocobene
Makeup Department: 
Patricia Lapointe
Production Management: 
Tam Dan Vu
Release Date: 
Friday, September 9, 2016
Total votes: 3350
