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Der Spalt (Gedankenkontrolle) (The Gap (Mind Control))

DER SPALT Expose: Alex is human. Alex was assigned to the male gender at birth. She knows that this assignment was wrong. In a world she's living she doesn't exist. Bodies are normed people are squared society hypnotised. The people do not believe what they see with their own eyes. Treatment: Somewhere in the middle of concrete. All buildings look the same. Alex and her job-seeking mother share a small flat in a gray apartment block. A women's menage. A women's menage? Alex starts to shave her face. Both women leave the building and they split up. On the way Alex meets Mrs. Müller her only confidant. Mrs. Müller wears a wig. In front of the school a photographer stops her. His name is Christian Strange. He calls her "Beatuiful woman". But Alex is sceptical and gets rid of him. In school we are teached that sexual diversity doesn't exist. This knowledge is printed in unicoloured books. Books with empty pages. People who read these books are functioning like robots. While drinking a cup of tea Alex tells Mrs. Müller about Christian. Mrs. Müller advises caution. Christian suprises Alex with a bunch of yellow flowers at her flat. He convinces her to visit a party. They are becoming attached to one another. Cause there's some light outside Alex wants to prove Christian. She persuades him to place placards on the concrete. It's a rebellion! Again and again Alex reminds about her childhood. She's always been a freak: Has been hated has been laughed at or treated like decoration. Christian seems to be different like the others: They go to bed. But it doesn't work. Christian has an idea how to solve the problem. He tells Alex that he has a friend who's psychologist who can help her. Alex agrees. Will everything become well now?
Screenings / Awards: 
Selections Cinéwomen 2015
Awards 2015 International Film Festival "Women, Social Issues, Zero Discrimination" Jakarta, Indonesien (Gold Award)
Information for theatres: 

Subtitles: English
Recording_format: 4K RED Scarlet
Projection_format: DCP
Screen_format: 1:2,35
Colour: Color
Sound: Fabian Schaller
Script: Kim Anja Schicklang
Editing: Kim Anja Schicklang
Sound_editing: Fabian Schaller
Post_production: Kim Anja Schicklang
Selections: Cin women 2015
Awards: 2015 International Film Festival Women, Social Issues, Zero Discrimination Jakarta, Indonesien (Gold Award)

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