Do Nothings is a coming-of-age musical comedy revolving around the life of "Tamarin," a teenage singer-songwriter plagued by paralyzing stage fright.
TELLU and JUHANI (80s) have barely anything in common, except a room they share while waiting for death.
The room has an an easy yet somewhat calming feeling to it.
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A dance film shot on the roof the New York's Ace Hotel follows a young woman’s journey to find truth, lost between reality and altered states of consciousnes
Talking about a rude awakening, young Chinese girl Wen catches girlfriend cheating the morning after party.
An experimental poetry film about the changes & pain associated with becoming an adult. Watching relationships and friendships change.
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Do Nothings
Do Nothings is a coming-of-age musical comedy revolving around the life of "Tamarin," a teenage singer-songwriter plagued by paralyzing stage fright.