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The Fantastic Hidalgo of the Pontic Steppe


History is not written once for all. "The Fantastic Hidalgo of the Pontic Steppe" is a documentary that raises an unpublished hypothesis, that could well give return to the history of the Spanish narrative: And if before Cervantes already existed a Quixote previous, with the roots nailed? The night of history and in a remote and unexpected place? "The Fantastic Hidalgo of the Pontic Steppe" is the result of a deep and rigorous research on the subject in which the production has enjoyed the active participation of numerous personalities from the world of philology, history and Cervantes studies.
The action takes place to a large extent in the real scenarios to which the inquiries about the true origin of ... "ingenious gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha ...". This is a story that begins in Timbuktu and takes place in different parts of the world, starting from an intense journalistic and linguistic investigation thanks to which it has been possible to locate the house in which the manuscript that would demonstrate that Miguel de Cervantes did not create his best-known novel but was inspired, copied or plagiarized a previous work.
This "fake documentary" with structure of game and verisimilitude carried to the ultimate consequences, gives the keys to review seriously and with a sense of humor a true belief. Or not.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Javier Alcaine
Producers: Ángel Baviano, Rafael Guardiola, Isidro Gómez
Key cast:


Information for theatres: 

Student project: No
Completion date:
Shooting format:
Aspect ratio:
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: No

Total votes: 923
