In this mixed-media animation, Michi journeys into a brightly-coloured world filled with adventure and mysterious creatures and leaves with a renewed self-aw
Two friends take a road to fast money in the streets of Kentucky and one gets locked up friends try to tell Slimm to slow down he doesn't listen and is desti
When a mistrustful rogue, who earns a living by sending “obsolete” humanoid robots to the scrap heap, has a change of heart and decides it's time to call it
IRETI (38), a despondent woman trapped in a solitary jail cell has given up on life and any meaning it holds, following the death of her 8 year old son.
17 year old Emma and Jayson are brought together through two different medical diagnoses, which leads to a discovery of love, happiness and the importance of
The first doc-movie about women's basketball world and its protagonists, touching topics as combination of sport and femininity, the economic crisis of clubs
Jodie Blondelle is a young aspiring stage actress who will do whatever it takes to prove she is more than just a background performer when her drama teacher
Earth Cry follows the lives of 4 individuals who face a crossroads in their lives where they have to choose to follow the path that was chosen for them or to
The documentary seeks to raise awareness of environmental threats and unique challenges to security in Nigeria while sensitizing the general public and inspi
He wasn't allowed to dance! With a zero budget and no crew, what was supposed to be a portfolio project has turned into a video diary of a dancer's life.
The Hero That Here Lies
We often hear of children 'coming out' to their parents. What if it were reversed? What if the father came out to the daughter?