Children close their eyes to watch.Hamoody is a teenager plays the violin, but he lives in a garbage dumpster with a dream that someday he will play in a con
This video came about as my production company, New Style Independent Pictures, was working on a series of AntiBullying PSA entitled 'I Am Not A Bully' to ra
A mix of video, performance, and glitch art exploring privacy, and how our impending surveillance state affects our identity and how we emotionally vent.
After the camera crews have migrated and the national attention diverted, those in the aftermath of one of the United States' worst climate disasters begin t
Animation through digital image processing by artist Peter Schmideg from images related to the work of filmmaker Maya Deren, music by composer Laurie Spiegel
The Catastrophe of the Present is a video essay that questions how an image of a disaster should look like and the gaze that is imposed on it in our current
An average Joe finds himself trapped inside of a romantic comedy as a background character with only 90 minutes to prove himself worthy of making it to the s
An elderly man who has lost the will to live hires a new caregiver who is down on her luck and together they help each other find hope and meaning in life.
A voice-over tells the story of a sailor that dreams of a homeland he has never had; day after day the sailor constructs his new native land shaping it to hi
You Weren't There
YOU WEREN'T THERE follows Jesse, a young woman realising for the first time her deeper feelings for lifelong best friend, Max.