Hayat was born in Mogadishu (Somalia) in 1989, but had to flee from the country before she was even two years old to avoid the armed conflict that is still g
In reporting the Gaza War of 2014, these quotes appeared in the international media: “They’re calling it a massacre”, “Children and civilians comprised the v
This feature documentary investigates the 'Citizen Isolation Centers', the secret World War II prisons within the Japanese American Incarceration system whi
A man is engaged in a task that will require all of his focus and take everything that he cares about away from him because if he fails, not even Allah (God)
Skin Deep by Lulu Jiang is a film that fuses live action and illustration to explore a layered romance about tattoos and their power to psychologically seduc
In a world of cultural confusion and erroneous judgment, Habib bin Habib al Fulan pawns his last possesion and reconciles with his American wife.A suspensefu
A group of upstart women with dubious musical skills use a fake band as a cover story to cross forbidden borders into each other’s tangled lives in Israel an
A journey into the United Arab Emirates' past and how the leadership of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan planted love in the nation and the people regardless of their
Like Me
A short film about social media.