'By The River' is an experimental feature length documentary following a young man (Ellar Coltrane, 'Boyhood') as he travels cross-country by train gathering
A documentary teen-movie, poetic, funny and formidable, Swagger carries us in the midst of the astonishing minds of eleven teenagers growing up in one of the
The Grassy Knoll ‘Badgeman’ assassin holds the CIA to ransom with classified documents in his possession, exposing the truth behind the assassination in Dall
A young man confronts with the old question 'Why and how should one live?' 'What is the meaning of intellectual pursuit?' And he struggles to find the answer
Orange is the coldest color.Domestic violence is always hard to tell,this film based on 3 different true stories .He used be a son, Who saw his father beat h
His Lost Life
A teen boy, gradually realises that he almost lost everything through his journey in a part of his life.