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Soleils Welt


Soleil lives a withdrawn life in a monotonous town full of tall, busy citizens. Only at night leaves the girl her house and collects unnoticed treasures from the streets. However, one night a little being crawls unseen into her bag, and this unexpected encounter changes not only Soleils world…

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

"Soleils Welt" is an ambitious student project that started 2012 as a short film idea for a graduation project. Stop-motion animation was never attempted at the University of Applied Sciences (in Salzburg, Austria) before and thus none of the students, nor the teachers, had any previous experience in this genre. Lilija Tchourlina and Melissa Rothmann were the first ones to venture into this field and gathered a group of 12 dedicated master and bachelor students around them to help Soleil to come alive.

Soleils Welt premiered in March 2015 successfully at DASKino in Salzburg, Austria.

"Soleils Welt" is a puppet animation short film, that uses symbols on many levels to tell it's story, so that the audience is encouraged to watch it more than once. It is created for children and adults equally and can be watched by anyone, since it doesn't have spoken dialogue.

The step over one's own limitations may help others to overcome theirs, and the encounter with the unknown does not only take us one step further into the world, but also closer towards ourselves.

Screenings / Awards: 

March 2015: Premiere DASKino, Salzburg, AT

June 2015: Creativity Rules Hallein, Hallein, AT

August 2015: Street Cinema Graz, Graz, AT

Information for theatres: 

Student project: Yes

Completion date: March 2015

Shooting format: 1080p

Aspect ratio: 16:9

DCP: yes

First-time filmmaker: Yes

Total votes: 5543