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Off Ramp


John, a homeless war vet offers to buy Lucy, a young street girl, a coffee after noticing a fresh bruise around her eye. Through their conversations it starts to become clear that even though John believes he is helping Lucy the truth may actually be the other way around.

19 min 28 sec
Information for the Audience: 

Written and directed by Neil Jackson, OFF RAMP is Neil's first project as a director.  Shot entirely on location in Los Angeles, the film has be described as being "Inspiring and compelling, a surprising story of grief and empathy." BELIFF 2017

Screenings / Awards: 

LARGO film awards 2017


Awareness Festival 2017

Grove Film Festival 2017

SCUFF 2017

New York State Film Festival 2018 (pre-selected)

Information for theatres: 

First-time filmmaker

Completion date: May 31st, 2017.


Directed by: 
Neil Jackson
Writing credits: 
Neil Jackson
Gerard Boeke Jameelah Lee
Produced by: 
Neil Jackson Matthew Trotter
Music by: 
Mathew. J Rees
Cinematography by: 
Michael Lockridge
Film Editing by: 
Scott. A Jacobs
Makeup Department: 
Myishia Jackson-Barnett
Other crew: 
Sound Engineer - Shane Dzicek Sound Mixer - Alexander Verbitskiy
Release Date: 
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Total votes: 6555
