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Put It Down


Put it Down is a song and music video written by Maya Claridge with a power message for today's youth.  In a world where the teen suicide rate is climbing and bullying is out of control, Maya's message of empowerment and strength is needed.  She begs the youth to put down their fear and whatever it is that is hurting them and rise above.  Her message is that a permanent solution like suicide is never the answer to a temporary problem.  This video is used on the Bullied to Bold tour, created by Maya Claridge. 

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

 After enduring several years of being bullied, actor/singer Maya Claridge, decided to use her talent to reach out to others who may be hurting.  She wrote the song, Put It Down, filmed the music video and started a tour called, Bullied to Bold, where she travels to middle schools throughout the US, empowering kids to overcome bullying.  Her message is simple:  Stop Hate Before it's Too Late.  The video carries a powerful message, a reminder that we don't know what's happening on the inside of those around us.   We don't know when someone is hurting, cutting themselves or on the verge of taking their own life.  So, be kind to everyone.


Screenings / Awards: 

2017 Harlem Film Festival

2017 Desert Rocks Film Festival

2018 New York State Film Festival


Directed by: 
Kolade Adekoya Alex Drury
Writing credits: 
Written by Maya Claridge Music by IndaSoul Records
Maya Claridge James Hammond Sarah Jain Danielle Leahy Daja McLeod Elizabeth Theis Logan White
Produced by: 
MC Productions Global Publishing Group
Music by: 
Marc MDoc Williams CRay Roberts Indasoul Records Blue Frame Productions
Cinematography by: 
Kolade Adekoya Alex Drury
Film Editing by: 
MC Productions
Casting by: 
Beverly Brenner
Production Design by: 
Maya Claridge Koolade Adekoya
Set Decoration by: 
Massif Studios
Costume Design by: 
Haleigh Burckley
Makeup Department: 
KLT Stewart Erin Mullane Haleigh Burckley
Production Management: 
Global Publishing Group MC Productions
Other crew: 
Anton Church Noah Crowley
Release Date: 
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Official website:
Total votes: 6795
