This film tells the story of Barnaby, a kid bound to a wheelchair who is about to give up his long-life dream of going to space until he meets Wilhelm, a retired filmmaker with a unique imagination. Together they will take a journey through the fantastic worlds of Jules Verne, George Melies, Ray Harryhausen and many other masters of imagination that will help Barnaby realize he doesn't need to be approved by any Space Program to reach the stars.
This film tells the story of Barnaby, a kid bound to a wheelchair who is about to give up his long-life dream of going to space until he meets Wilhelm, a retired filmmaker with a unique imagination. Together they will take a journey through the fantastic worlds of Jules Verne, George Melies, Ray Harryhausen and many other masters of imagination that will help Barnaby realize he doesn't need to be approved by any Space Program to reach the stars.
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