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La Cocina de Las Patronas


"The kitchen of the Patrons". A group of women from the state of Veracruz, with 21 years of work in front of the train tracks, show how her life changed from knowing the stories of Central American migration that crosses the United States, her rights as women and her political conscience and social.

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

"The kitchen of the Patrons". A group of women from the state of Veracruz, with 21 years of work in front of the train tracks, show how her life changed from knowing the stories of Central American migration that crosses the United States, her rights as women and her political conscience and social.

Screenings / Awards: 

“Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Uruguay” “Tenemos que ver” 2017.

“Festival de cine etnográfico de Ecuador”, Quito, Ecuador 2017

ACAMPADOC, Festival Internacional de Cine Documental, Villa de los Santos, Panamá. Premio "Mejor largometraje documental"

Selección oficial "Opera Prima" DocsMX 2017, Festival Internacional de cine documental de la Ciudad de México.

Distribution budget: 
Directed by: 
Javier García
Writing credits: 
Guión: Afra Mejía Diseño gráfico y créditos: Alejandra Saavedra
Leonila Vasquez, Norma Romero, Julia Ramírez, Rosa Romero, Bernarda Romero, Guadalupe González, Tomás González, Fray Raúl Vera
Produced by: 
Iliana Martínez, Ana Paula Uruñuela
Music by: 
Graupo Zarahuato, dir. Mariano Herrera
Cinematography by: 
Javier García, Mónica González, Ariel Ojeda, Iván Castaneira
Film Editing by: 
Carlos Cárdenas
Production Design by: 
Alejandra Saavedra
Costume Design by: 
Alejandra Saavedra
Production Management: 
Carolina Platt, Fernando Valencia
Release Date: 
Friday, December 15, 2017
Official website:
Total votes: 1658
