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GAGSTERS The Humor Mafia



I will make you an offer you could not stop laughing at.

GAGSTERS, The Mafia Humor.

Don Vito has cleaned up the streets of bad taste comedians (good, at last!).

He has built his power from "The Knockout", his night club, the only place in the city where artists, can now only play good quality shows.

Always a traitor wants to leave the mafia. (Don't tell anybody but…Carlo Fonti is). Nosy Gomez, a comedian, plays shows when someone knocks at his door.  Carlo does it this time. Carlo knows that Nosy is the key to destroy the mafia. (I told you!)

Don Vito’s men search them, to execute them, but finally they have a conciliation meeting.

Well, you know, really, not at all. Like in every family.

GAGSTERS is a comedy that will have you laughing at every slap.

Information for the Audience: 

Feature film. Comedy drama. 90 min.


Directed by: 
Diego Campessi
Release Date: 
Monday, September 11, 2017
Total votes: 12036
