Echoes" is the story of Sergio a 14 year old boy who is bullied by his classmates at school and abused by his violent father at home, but soon all the rage and anger he keeps within will Echoe in all the people around him, in the form of a deadly and irreversible tragedy
Echoes" is the story of Sergio a 14 year old boy who is bullied by his classmates at school and abused by his violent father at home, but soon all the rage and anger he keeps within will Echoe in all the people around him, in the form of a deadly and irreversible tragedy
Echoes" is the story of Sergio a 14 year old boy who is bullied by his classmates at school and abused by his violent father at home, but soon all the rage and anger he keeps within will Echoe in all the people around him, in the form of a deadly and irreversible tragedy
Echoes" is the story of Sergio a 14 year old boy who is bullied by his classmates at school and abused by his violent father at home, but soon all the rage and anger he keeps within will Echoe in all the people around him, in the form of a deadly and irreversible tragedy