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CENSURADO, Ode to love


Christmas Eve. The clock has just struck at midnight. A man is sitting on the couch beside the great Christmas tree dominating the wide living room. Decorations, lights, colors. Lisa, his nine-year-old daughter, is unwrapping presents of any kind. She's happy and smiling. It's a celebration like others, maybe... It comes from a basic idea: the destabilization of the individual through and irrevocable and impending event. CENSURADO, is a dramatic movie. A love story full of violence an coincidences. It’s not a movie for self-righteous and conservative people at all, but it wants to be a movie with a “ruthless realism”, fruit of the world we are living in. Destabilization aiming to sensitize and make people think. It is a wonderful consideration on love, pain and fate.

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Mauro Russo Rouge Writers: Mauro Russo Rouge Producers: Luca Manti Key cast: Giovanna Petrone


Screenings / Awards: 
  • Sanford International Film Festival 2015
    Sanford, Maine 
    May 27, 2015
    FMCEX Festival Mundial de Cine Extremo de Veracruz 2015
    Veracruz, Mexico 
    June 22, 2015
    SAFILM - San Antonio Film Festival 21st Annual 2015
    San Antonio, Texas 
    June 29, 2015
    CinemAvvenire Film Festival - Rome 2015
    Rome, Italy 
    December 19, 2015


Information for theatres: 

Student project: No Completion date: 2015-01-01 Shooting format: Digital Capture Aspect ratio: Film color: Color First-time filmmaker: Yes

Total votes: 3100