
The Chain

One day in the life of ten characters.

Total votes: 1192

Chopo, a city man, has been searching for a legacy buried under an old ranch in the mountains. He builds apachetas as a reminder of his search.

Total votes: 4836

A couple of college students are in the car, finished their night walk of the day, when the girl is about to say goodbye, the boy interrupts her and says tha

Total votes: 602
Tailor's box

Profile of Salvador, retired tailor who celebrates his centenary remembering with lucidity anecdotes of his life.

Total votes: 584

Es la interpretación visual de la música, Una aproximación de carácter arqueológico a través de las huacas o lugares sagrado de la historia del desarrollo hu

Total votes: 642

A taxi driver feels tired of his everyday routine as a victim of bad luck.

Total votes: 774

Grandpa is about to turn 80. His son and grandsons are taking him to his birthplace, Huamachuco, a place he hasn´t seen in more than 70 years.

Total votes: 869

'Ayaymama' is the name given both to an Amazonian legend and a bird.

Total votes: 672

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