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Hitler Unplugged


“Hitler Unplugged”

Genre: Family drama


An avant-garde Jew, forced into working for the man whose weapons killed his daughter, impersonates Hitler, desperate to save the remains of his demolished family.


When ELY’s daughter BRYLIE dies by a gun from Ely’s father, WOLF, a gun manufacturer, Ely sets up the murderer so that the police shoot him. Wolf’s lawyers can get Ely from the murder charge if Ely joins a gun victim group and does community service.

Ely meets IDA, the mother of Brylie’s murderer and GAWEN, her second son, who is now after Ely and belongs to a Nazi group. Ely researches the past of his nation and Hitler’s history while his lawyers focus on the upcoming shareholders' meeting. Ely picks a comedy nightclub as his community service where he appears as a Hitler imitator, unaware that Wolf threatens his lawyers with genocide if they don’t get Ely into his company. Ely’s second night as Hitler is a success that ends in a fight club style, which turns Ely’s show into an Internet sensation. CARIN, Ely’s wife, demands that Brylie gets a Christian funeral when she sees the online show and recognizes who hides behind Hitler.

On his last night as Hitler, Ely discloses himself as what he is, a Jew and a son of a man who made a fortune with the blood of innocent victims. Ely’s plan to reinvent Wolf’s company into smart gun production convinces the shareholders and leaves Wolf jobless.

Written by: Zvonko Leskovar,

Information for the Audience: 

Writer: Zvonko Leskovar

Directed by: Lance Kawas


Directed by: 
Lance Kawas
Writing credits: 
Zvonko Leskovar
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