
The Disappearing Hills

Stern-faced soldiers wielding M-16 rifles stood guard as excavators mowed down rows of chrysanthemums, leaving behind broken stalks and fallen petals.

Total votes: 2491

The chaos and the unique characters of a traditional Malay wedding ceremony in a village makes this film a colorful and interesting viewing.

Total votes: 1327
Speech!ess - Short Web-Stories
Short comedy stories.
Love, family, desires - all these can be base of our short stories.
Total votes: 53343
Haruan: The Snakehead

Do bad deeds always beget badness?

A dark tale of a magical fish and its flawed human friends.

Haruan: The Snakehead
Total votes: 6217
The Sound of Borneo

The "Sound of Borneo" is a short documentary based on an instrument called "Sompoton" which is inherited by the Kadasan Dusun community that lives at Sabah.

Total votes: 940
Granny (Nenek)

Kamariah, the strict head nurse, has to put up with her mischievous overbearing mother, Faridah, who is hospitalized in her building.

Total votes: 897
Penyakit Pagi (Morning Sickness)

Total votes: 1497
Kampung Drift

Combining action, comedy and sci-fi, Kampung Drift is across-genre coming-of-age tale of Johan, a teenager in search of the meaning of life and love through

Kampung Drift
Total votes: 2948

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