

The film tells the story of Christian African Women from Sudan and Eritrea, who fled persecution at the hand of Muslims in their countries and are seeking as

Total votes: 503
A Product of Me

'A Product of Me: The Movie' is a film about the interracial friendship between Levi, who is Caucasian (played by Teddy Gathmann) and Clyde, who is African A

Total votes: 763
Take A Leap Webshow Special (SurfShack Outreach Center)

Take A Leap is a webseries that chronicles the lives of expats from America.

Total votes: 1219
Black and Blue

An African American police office is killed in the line of duty leaving his son angry and his father detached.

Total votes: 422
No Exit

Home to 5% of the world's population, the U.S. is home and 25% of the world's imprisoned population.

Total votes: 347
Better Days

One chance and one dream.

Total votes: 434
'Gray's Disconnect'

'Gray's Disconnect' is about reincarnation of tragedy and connection and how it manifests throughout our lives.

Total votes: 483

The film “Trafficker” is a kaleidoscopic image of how trafficking of women from Africa is practiced.

Total votes: 269

A distressed woman seeks solace in her dream world that propels her into constant motion on a transformative journey.

Total votes: 436
A Sense of Self - Growing Up in Five Points

This isn't your traditional documentary, this is what is called a Linear Ethnography. It is the cutting edge of Visual Anthropology.

Total votes: 349
The Uncomfortable Truth

The son of a Civil Rights Movement legend explores the history of racism in America and his family's darker connection to it dating all the way back to the f

Total votes: 291
Little West 12th Street

In Manhattan's West Village, a neighborhood bar and coffee shop bring together a group of diverse friends that deal with change , impotency, love, and authen

Total votes: 713
Meet Me At A Funeral

A dying man and a suicide survivor befriend one another while both attending a stranger’s funeral.

Total votes: 415
Bad Kids

When Rami, a bi-racial teenager whose future holds great promise, decides to invite his old friends Blood and Guts to his new neighbourhood in an effort to r

Total votes: 419
Set Life

A comedy that follows the rarely dull lives of television Production Assistants as they deal with day-to-day life challenges, work, and the people they work

Total votes: 300
'One Word'

'One word' Is a film about how art helps a student express himself to his peers in a unique way.

Total votes: 582
A Piece of the Cake

Life in Vanuatu isn’t all sea, sun and palm trees. For Timothy and his family life is hard.

Total votes: 315
Love, Dance

Love, Dance…As a dancer myself, I see the light of dance. The freedom.

Total votes: 225
Prison Race: 511

'Prison Race: 511' is a raw documentary about how the Black Community is literally killing itself.

Total votes: 431
Small Talk

Down the rabbit hole you'll meet the 'other' residents of Wonderland, where dinner is being served with a side of ism's.

Total votes: 838
Rose's Turn

Logline:A glamorous European couple working in LA invite a homeless woman for dinner, and learn that their idea of helping may not be as simple as it seems.<

Total votes: 447
What's In A Name?

Opal comes of age while struggling with identity issues because she knows her feuding parents intentionally gave her the wrong last name.

Total votes: 384

A visual artist overcomes the pressures of social media through self-discovery and decides to capture everyday life to determine where beauty truly lies.

Total votes: 526
I Got It Wrong

Make me clean, God, but not yet.

Total votes: 368
Song of King Solomon

The angels look down upon King Solomon with his many wives and concubines and realize one thing is lacking in his life - Love.

Total votes: 500
Mojave Highlands

2 hikers in the Mojave Desert Highlands

Total votes: 315
Tracks on the Sand

Hayat was born in Mogadishu (Somalia) in 1989, but had to flee from the country before she was even two years old to avoid the armed conflict that is still g

Total votes: 490
Behind the Fear, the Hidden Story of HIV

On April 23, 1984, Dr. Robert Gallo announced to the world that a single retrovirus was the 'probable cause of AIDS'.

Total votes: 405
Kairos Dirt & the Errant Vacuum

A disparate group of mystical misfits intertwine with an otherworldly, genderless apparition through fantastic and carnal dreamscapes.

Total votes: 741
Moonlight Sonata

A young black man from Haiti departs from Paris on the ill-fated Titanic.

Total votes: 574
BROKEN DREAMS 'The Man I Always Wanted to Be' Artist James Dupree

Artist James Dupree fights the city of Philadelphia to save his art gallery and studio after city council seizes his deeds for eminent domain.

Total votes: 306
ARMOR: Biracial in the Deep South

Four women share their experiences of being biracial in the post segregationist American South.

You voted 1. Total votes: 393
Then There Was One

A grizzled detective and a D.C. attorney team up to stop an African vampire out to sever the bloodline of his father's enemy.

Total votes: 606

To fight the corruption in Africa, first we must fight the corruption outside AFRICA!

Total votes: 276
Buskers: Sounds of the City

Who are the people that play on the city streets and trains and what calls them to it?

Total votes: 343
She is King

Don't dream it. Be it.

Total votes: 803
ScHoolBoy Q 'JoHn Muir'

Schoolboy Q's 'John Muir' follows the lives of two reckless youths for 24 hours in the streets of Los Angeles, all from the eyes of stolen 83' El Camino.

Total votes: 474

An isolated Watchman lords over a small caye in the Caribbean, living off the land and sea, as cruise ships and civilization float by.

Total votes: 590
Red Ninja the Sister Hood

Red Ninja the Sisterhood is an action pack old school martial arts movie in our time with traditional apparel and old school techniques.

Total votes: 483
Freedom Of Knowledge

Lack of knowledge becomes civilization's undoing!

Total votes: 654
Black Men: Naked Truth

The first one-man show that chronicles seven untold truths about the day to day journey of 'Good' Black men.

Total votes: 382

One Big City ~Two Big Hearts

Total votes: 413
In Black & White

To family, in all shapes colors and sizes.

Total votes: 375


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