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Yoldaki Adam / Man on the Road


Man, carrying a suitcase walks to road through a field. Sees a car coming and runs for it. Yet, the driver passes by; he does not stop. Man reaches the road, clear the mud on his shoes and starts to wait. 

English subtitle: 
Screenings / Awards: 
26th International Adana Golden Boll Film Festival-Mediterranean Short Film Competition - Competition Film
1st Marmaris International Short Film Festival - Competition Film
9th Boston Turkish Documentary & Short Film Festival - Competition Film
26th İstanbul International Short Film Festival - Competition Film
20th London Turkish Flmleri Festival - Official Selection
4th Atıf Yılmaz Short Film Festival - Competition Film
 Bermuda Short Film Festival - Competition Film (Germany)
3rd Seattle Turkish Film Festival - Best 3 rd Film Award


Information for theatres: 




Original Title: Yoldaki Adam

International Title : Man On The Road

Video Format: HD


Running Time : 09:50 min.

Language of Dialogues : No Dialogue

Production Year: 2014

student project: No

Total votes: 3478