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Who Is It ?


                                                                                                                            "Who Is It?" 

                                                                                                                            Synopsis By  

                                                                                                                     Sylvia E. Monterroso

 "Who Is It?"  is a modern day thriller.  We meet jack hiding behind his bedroom door from what is banging on his apartment door. It is a modern day take of Edgar allen Poe poem The Raven. We become consumed in the state of mind and emotion of jack as he pushes himself to open the apartment door. The entire short revolves around the emotion of fear and if we truly have the ability to conqer it. We go along with jack and testing the will to over come the fear he feels as to who is behind that door. The quesiton lies in will he open the door? 

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

 This film was shot for a class project. The concept came from the edgar allen poe poem The Raven. The idea was to evoke a emotion and have that emotion visual represented in a film in a minute or less. I used the FS 700 and a single light for the shoot of the short. It was done within four hours of shooting and completely edit four hours after the shoot. 

Directed by: 
Sylvia Monterroso
Writing credits: 
Sylvia Monterroso
Israel Franco
Produced by: 
Sylvia Monterroso
Release Date: 
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Total votes: 1298
