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Where Is Wang Hao


Three friends must journey across China to find their missing classmate and retrieve their final movie project files from him before the class deadline. If they fail, they will not be allowed to study abroad the next year in Korea. Their journey will push them to their limits and test their resolve as they confront harsh terrain, gangsters and smugglers to find their friend. The voyage opens their eyes to what is really important in life. Bringing an American style road movie to the youth of China, Where Is Wang Hao gives a voice and a face to students living in 21st Century China, reflecting the changes and challenges of growing up in a new global culture, while staying culturally Chinese. The trek across China also shows the world the beauty and vast cultural diversity of the country.

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

Where Is Wang Hao?


A  new global style comedy for a new global style China. Where is Wang Hao is a road movie coming of age story that reflects the generation that is growing up middle class in an International China, full of global influences on the culture and the marketplace. How this generation deals with this new found freedom will dictate the future of China and it's relationship with the rest of the world.


Directed by: 
Abraham Lim
Writing credits: 
Abraham Lim
Xiaofeng Wang...Pei Pei Zhenyu Zhao...Dou Dou Chuan Xiang...Gao Fei Qianchang Zhou...Lu Wen Bo Wang Hao...Wang Hao
Produced by: 
Abraham Lim Yang Qingnan
Music by: 
Cinematography by: 
Abraham Lim
Film Editing by: 
Abraham Lim
Release Date: 
Monday, June 19, 2017
Total votes: 2896
