In a community where parents prohibited sugar and vanished under unknown circumstances their children now reign supreme. Set amidst gangland feuding between a corrupt tween mayor and other local factions, a scrappy young girl searches for her missing brother alongside a hired private investigator.
Welcome to Hillsborough is a short animated film created at DePaul University in Chicago. It is the first chapter in an episodic series in the style of pulp-comics and Film Noir following the adventures of a group of middle-school children (11-13 years old) coping with a sugar-free world where parents have vanished. After their disappearance sweet treats are now the ends and means and favorite vice for water gun toting gangsters, private eyes, and the innocent children caught in the cross fire hoping just to see the next day. In the style of 1920's prohibition era crime thrillers a mystery unfolds as happy playgrounds, recess and nap time are traded for fist fights, kidnappings, water-balloon attacks.
In a community where parents prohibited sugar and vanished under unknown circumstances their children now reign supreme. Set amidst gangland feuding between a corrupt tween mayor and other local factions, a scrappy young girl searches for her missing brother alongside a hired private investigator.
Welcome to Hillsborough
Welcome to Hillsborough is a short animated film created at DePaul University in Chicago. It is the first chapter in an episodic series in the style of pulp-comics and Film Noir following the adventures of a group of middle-school children (11-13 years old) coping with a sugar-free world where parents have vanished. After their disappearance sweet treats are now the ends and means and favorite vice for water gun toting gangsters, private eyes, and the innocent children caught in the cross fire hoping just to see the next day. In the style of 1920's prohibition era crime thrillers a mystery unfolds as happy playgrounds, recess and nap time are traded for fist fights, kidnappings, water-balloon attacks.
Official Selection, New Zealand International Film Festival, 2017
Pre Selection, Madrid Art Film Festival, 2017
Semi Finalist Toronto International Film Festival 2017