A meditation, in three parts, on digital technology using symbolist imagery. Explores deeper psychic and mythic aspects of cyberspace and social media. Web 2.0 combines original video, music, and poem of the director. Most of video shot in New York City: the Brooklyn Bridge superstructure symbolizing the great web and Greenwhich Village Halloween footage, the mythic world surrounding us. The nature footage was shot in India in the Western Himalayas.
A meditation, in three parts, on digital technology using symbolist imagery. Explores deeper psychic and mythic aspects of cyberspace and social media. Web 2.0 combines original video, music, and poem of the director. Most of video shot in New York City: the Brooklyn Bridge superstructure symbolizing the great web and Greenwhich Village Halloween footage, the mythic world surrounding us. The nature footage was shot in India in the Western Himalayas.