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Until the End

A cure, that is the Christmas present that LaeLynn, 6 years old, with a lung disease needs to save her future.
Before Santa Claus arrives, she receives a Cybele doll from her mother; a goddess capable of curing children and animals through dance. With this present, this courageous mother hopes to breathe life into her child to have the strength to fight her disease.
Nevertheless, a coughing fit leaves Laelynn in a semi coma.
Will Cybele manage to make Laelynn dance into her seventh birthday?
English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

At every screening, the audience reaction is the reaction is the same : "this movie make us dream and give us a lot of hope".

Until The End is a short film written and directed by William Eguienta.
“With this movie, I would like to awaken hope and utopia that lies deep within each of us. Here, I hope to show in particular the strength and courage of a mother to her child to help her be cured or, in the worst scenario, to allow her to take advantage of her last days to the fullest.
The desire to show on the screen the feelings which inhabits a parent facing such a situation is at the the heart of «Until The End». This narrative talks about it through the mythology of Cybèle, girl of the Sky and the Earth, mother of Gods.
The goddess Cybèle occupies a very important position in both the Phrygian mythology, and in Greek and Roman mythology. Abandoned on a mountain and raised by lions, Cybèle had the universal gift to cure and so protect children and the wild animals.
Mythological aside this contrasts with the harsh reality of everyday life of both women.
««We do not require great details on what affects us and flatters us, we are not interested in the rest» the writer Rivarol once said. To obtain poetic, sensitive and spiritual images which I aspire to this film, particular attention was paid to the cinematography. Realism is crucial for me on this film the immerse the viewer into the heart of emaotion. Full with truth, «Until The End» shows reality without embellishment.
I hope that my movie will be a heart beat, a race filled with optimism, against fate and despair.
A movie of Life.


Screenings / Awards: 
Award : “Best Hope Film” at Fresco international film fest – Yerevan, Armenia – 20/08/2016
Selection : International Film Festival of Fine Arts – Szolnok, Hungary – 14/10/2016
Selection : Festival Court-métrage de Saint Maur – Saint Maur le fossé, France – 15/10/2016
Selection : FIC – Festival Internacional del cortometraje, Arngetina – 15/10/2016
Selection : Festival China international Short film festival, China – 26/11/2016
Selection : PSFF- Paris Short Film Festival, France – 06/05/2017
Selection : Madrid Art Film Festival, Spain - - incoming
Information for theatres: 
  1. completed on : may 2016
  2. indie project
  3. aspect ratio : 2.39
  4. audio 5.1
  5. color


all about the film on imdb -

Directed by: 
William Eguienta
Writing credits: 
William Eguienta
Laelynn : Emilie Ferraris Mother : Alexia Saurat Cybele : Lou Luttiau
Produced by: 
William Eguienta
Music by: 
Romain Olivieri
Cinematography by: 
Boris Albar
Film Editing by: 
William Eguienta
Art Direction by: 
William Eguienta
Costume Design by: 
Sebastien Bressant
Makeup Department: 
Joana Boulay
Release Date: 
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Official website:
Total votes: 24129
