The film tells the true story behind The Agartala Case, popularly called Agartala Conspiracy Case, which had set a new course in the history of the Bangladesh's independence struggle. In the early 60s, some Bengali military, led by Commander Moazzem took the initiative to liberate Bangladesh (The then East Pakistan) from Pakistan (the then West Pakistan) with armed revolt. They involved leading political leaders like the legendary politician who played the key role as the liberator of Bangladesh later, Sheikh Mujib to initiate the movement. They also contacted with high officials of India to get support. However, their plan was detected and 1,500 Bengalis had been detained, 232 became state witnesses and 35 accused along with Sheikh Mujib put on trial. British lawyer came to fight against the case. Media played a vital role to accelerate Bengali nationalistic sentiments by treating the case as a false one. US forecasted that the case will be withdrawn. The case was finally withdrawn due to mass upraising of 1969. It also resulted the fall of the then president of Pakistan and subsequently led the nation towards the Liberation War of 1971.
45 years later, the accused admitted that the charges against them were true which is established as a false & conspiracy case in the history.
English subtitle:
Information for the Audience:
Audience will enjoy the visual experimentation of this film.
The film tells the true story behind The Agartala Case, popularly called Agartala Conspiracy Case, which had set a new course in the history of the Bangladesh's independence struggle. In the early 60s, some Bengali military, led by Commander Moazzem took the initiative to liberate Bangladesh (The then East Pakistan) from Pakistan (the then West Pakistan) with armed revolt. They involved leading political leaders like the legendary politician who played the key role as the liberator of Bangladesh later, Sheikh Mujib to initiate the movement. They also contacted with high officials of India to get support. However, their plan was detected and 1,500 Bengalis had been detained, 232 became state witnesses and 35 accused along with Sheikh Mujib put on trial. British lawyer came to fight against the case. Media played a vital role to accelerate Bengali nationalistic sentiments by treating the case as a false one. US forecasted that the case will be withdrawn. The case was finally withdrawn due to mass upraising of 1969. It also resulted the fall of the then president of Pakistan and subsequently led the nation towards the Liberation War of 1971.
45 years later, the accused admitted that the charges against them were true which is established as a false & conspiracy case in the history.
Audience will enjoy the visual experimentation of this film.
The film has just completed.