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Toyota and Windbreaker


Toyota and Windbreaker tells the story of a brave women entrepreneur who is determined to continue her care home company even if international chains make efforts to buy it.

International health care companies have arrived in Finland. They buy nursing homes from municipalities and entrepreneurs and build new ones. Price competition has entered this sector.
Traditionally entrepreneurs in the nursing home sector are women. For many, the sale is a reward for a lifetime of hard work. Liisa Heikkinen started her nursing home company over 20 years ago in Eastern Finland. She is now fighting the current trend.

Toyota ja Windbreaker doc film lets her, her staff and clients tell their story.

Basic information about the doc film:
Toyota and Windbreaker. 64 min. Finnish with English subtitles. Premiere in February 2019 in Pieksämäki, Finland.
Camera: Harri Räisä, Päivi Kapiainen-Heiskanen
Music: Mika Mattila and Tapani Heiskanen
Editing: Harri Räisä
Script writer and director: Päivi Kapiainen-Heiskanen
Translation: Pekka de Groot
Production company: Mikkelin Mediaali Oy, Päivi Kapiainen-Heiskanen,
Thanks to
Suomen Kulttuurirahasto / The Finnish Cultural Foundation

This is the third film of a trilogy that let´s the audience see and hear how the Finnish welfare state is changing and how that can be experiences at grass-root level. The first film The Reindeer belong to the Wind (40 min, 2016) tells how the traditional reindeer herding is changing in Finnish Lapland, Käsivarsi. When School broke out of Prison (60 min, 2017) is a story of a village school that activists run on a voluntary basis for two years in Halmeniemi, Mäntyharju, Finland. Toyota and Windbreaker tells the story of a brave women entrepreneur who is determined to continue her care home company even if international chains make efforts to buy it.

Official selections at film festivals:
Ilokuvafestivaali / Feel Good Films festival 4.8.2019 in Mäntyharju, Finland
Scandinavian International Film Festival SCIFF 9.-11.8.2019 in Helsinki, Finland. Best Finnish documentary film.
5th Montevideo World Film Festival, Uruguay July 2019
FICOCC, Venezuela

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

Toyota and Windbreaker tells the story of a brave women entrepreneur who is determined to continue her care home company even if international chains make efforts to buy it.

Written and directed by Päivi Kapiainen-Heiskanen

This is the third film of a trilogy that let´s the audience see and hear how the Finnish welfare state is changing and how that can be experiences at grass-root level.

The first film The Reindeer belong to the Wind (40 min, 2016) tells how the traditional reindeer herding is changing in Finnish Lapland, Käsivarsi.

When School broke out of Prison (60 min, 2017) is a story of a village school that activists run on a voluntary basis for two years in Halmeniemi, Mäntyharju, Finland.

Toyota and Windbreaker tells the story of a brave women entrepreneur who is determined to continue her care home company even if international chains make efforts to buy it.

Screenings / Awards: 

Ilokuvafestivaali / Feel Good Films festival 4.8.2019 in Mäntyharju, Finland

Scandinavian International Film Festival SCIFF 9.-11.8.2019 in Helsinki, Finland. Best Finnish documentary film.

5th Montevideo World Film Festival, Uruguay July 2019

Scandinavian International Film Festival SCIFF 9.-11.8.2019 in Helsinki, Finland. Best Finnish documentary film.
FICOCC, Venezuela

Information for theatres: 

Toyota and Windbreaker tells the story of a brave women entrepreneur who is determined to continue her care home company even if international chains make efforts to buy it.

Written and directed by Päivi Kapiainen-Heiskanen

This is the third film of a trilogy that let´s the audience see and hear how the Finnish welfare state is changing and how that can be experiences at grass-root level.

The first film The Reindeer belong to the Wind (40 min, 2016) tells how the traditional reindeer herding is changing in Finnish Lapland, Käsivarsi.

When School broke out of Prison (60 min, 2017) is a story of a village school that activists run on a voluntary basis for two years in Halmeniemi, Mäntyharju, Finland.

Toyota and Windbreaker tells the story of a brave women entrepreneur who is determined to continue her care home company even if international chains make efforts to buy it.

Distribution budget: 
5000 euros
Directed by: 
Päivi Kapiainen-Heiskanen
Writing credits: 
Scandinavian International Film Festival SCIFF 9.-11.8.2019 in Helsinki, Finland. Best Finnish documentary film. August 2019
Produced by: 
Päivi Kapiainen-Heiskanen
Music by: 
Mika Mattila Tapani Heiskanen Jenna Karjalainen
Cinematography by: 
Harri Räisä Päivi Kapiainen-Heiskanen
Film Editing by: 
Harri Räisä
Production Management: 
Päivi Kapiainen-Heiskanen
Release Date: 
Monday, February 11, 2019
Official website: 
Pieksämäki, Kuhmo, Kuopio / Finland
Total votes: 1061
