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Keywan and his mortally ill father go on a final journey together - the son, in order to avoid the unavoidable, the father to say goodbye. A de-dramatized road movie that as an allegory of life, leads through transitional spaces. A melancholic rite of passage, which in an extraordinary pictorial language unites the prophecy of death an the beauty of life.

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

Keywan and his mortally ill father go on a final journey together - the son, in order to avoid the unavoidable, the father to say goodbye. A de-dramatized road movie that as an allegory of life, leads through transitional spaces. A melancholic rite of passage, which in an extraordinary pictorial language unites the prophecy of death an the beauty of life.


Directed by: 
Moritz S. Binder
Writing credits: 
Moritz S. Binder & Albert Meisl
Massud Rahnama Alireza Bayram
Produced by: 
David Armati Lechner - gamutfilm Alireza Golafshan / Thomas Herbert - HORSE&FRUITS
Music by: 
Carlos Cipa
Cinematography by: 
Tim Kuhn
Film Editing by: 
Wolfgang Werner
Art Direction by: 
Renate Schmaderer
Costume Design by: 
Amelie Panke
Makeup Department: 
Katharina Siebers
Release Date: 
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Total votes: 4127
