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Terror Toons 3


Picking up exactly where the original left off... This 3rd installment tells the tale of Cindy (Beverly Lynne, The Girl From B.I.K.I.N.I., Tanya X, Black Tie Nights) and her little sister, Candy (Lizzy Borden) fighting the good fight with the help of their friends, (Fernando Padilla, Kerry Liu, and Fernando Gasca) against evil Dr. Carnage and his abominable sidekick, Max Assassin.

Enter the darken, kaleidoscope colored world of the cartoon dimension where anything is possible. Where everyone is subject to a blood splattered crazy cartoon death. The one, the only GODFATHER OF GORE: Herschell Gordon Lewis (1963 BLOODFEAST, 2000 MANIACS) stars in this truly original cult masterpiece.

Herschell narrates the classic tale of the three little pigs and little red riding hood as written by the wild and unpredictable Director, Joe Castro (TERROR TOONS 1&2, THE JACKHAMMER MASSACRE, & THE SUMMER OF MASSACRE)

Special appearances by Brinke Stevens (Teenage Exorcist, Scream Queen Hot Tub Party), Schroeder (Cult Movies Magazine), Robert Rhine (Girls and Corpses Magazine) and Mike Mendez (Big Ass Spider!, Tales of Halloween).

Not for the weak at heart or those with a sensitive stomach. TERROR TOONS 3 is a shocking, gore filled blood epic.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Joe Castro
Writers: Joe Castro
Producers: Steven Escobar
Key cast: Herschell Gordon Lewis, Beverly Lynne, Lizzy Borden, Brinke Stevens, Fernando Padilla, Kerry Liu, Fernando Gasca, Brashaad Mayweather, Jonah Nemetz, Lizet Garcia, Scott Barrows, Robert Rhine, Schroeder , Mike Mendez


Information for theatres: 

Student project: No
Completion date: 2015-11-07
Shooting format: Digital HD - Sony EX-1
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: No

Total votes: 5612