Set against the backdrop of Late-Nineties Belgrade, TATA tells the story of Marko, a widower and single father, who is struggling to survive in the post war economic crisis. His main goal is to secure his daughter Azra's future and to buy her a dress for prom, so far the most important day of her young life. After several unsuccessful attempts to earn honest money, Marko is forced to admit to a devil's deal, in order to make the ultimate sacrifice for Azra.
Information for the Audience:
Directors: Markus E. Müller
Producers: Therese Seemann
Key cast:
Set against the backdrop of Late-Nineties Belgrade, TATA tells the story of Marko, a widower and single father, who is struggling to survive in the post war economic crisis. His main goal is to secure his daughter Azra's future and to buy her a dress for prom, so far the most important day of her young life. After several unsuccessful attempts to earn honest money, Marko is forced to admit to a devil's deal, in order to make the ultimate sacrifice for Azra.
Directors: Markus E. Müller
Producers: Therese Seemann
Key cast:
Student project: No
Completion date: 09/22/2016
Shooting format: 2K
Aspect ratio: 2.35:1
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: No