In this dark comedy about urban loneliness, a woman goes home with a man on the first date, but like everyone else in New York, he only wants to have "fun." She seeks therapy for her obsession with the emotionally unavailable, but unknowingly discovers self-love.
This is a dark comedy about urban lonelienss from director Marlene Rhein - who has directed music videos for world renknowned artists like 2Pac Shakur and Amy Winehouse. Filmed with a small crew in New York City, it chronicles the lives of real New Yorkers trying to make a connection.
In this dark comedy about urban loneliness, a woman goes home with a man on the first date, but like everyone else in New York, he only wants to have "fun." She seeks therapy for her obsession with the emotionally unavailable, but unknowingly discovers self-love.
This is a dark comedy about urban lonelienss from director Marlene Rhein - who has directed music videos for world renknowned artists like 2Pac Shakur and Amy Winehouse. Filmed with a small crew in New York City, it chronicles the lives of real New Yorkers trying to make a connection.
-Katra Film Series, New York City, Summer 2017