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Scent of Geranium


Immigration is a new chapter in one's life, a chapter with unexpected events that can take one's life down paths different from the one imagined. This film is an autobiographical account of the director's experience with immigration. 

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 


Immigration is a new chapter in one's life, a chapter with unexpected events that can take one's life down paths different from the one imagined. This film is an autobiographical account of the director's experience with immigration.


Screenings / Awards: 

Winner, Audience Award, Best short animated film, San Francisco Independent Film Festival, 2017
Winner, Best film in the Elephant Programme, Animateka Festival, Slovenia, 2016 
Winner, Best animated Short Film, Hong Kong Art-house Film Festival, 2016
Winner, 2nd place, student Films, 47th ASIFA East Animation Festival, New York, NY, 2016
Winner, Faculty Award, School of Film and Animation, RIT, Rochester, NY, 2016
Special Jury Award, New Orleans Film Festival, New Orleans, 2016
Designation in Fine art - Animation/Semi Finalist, Adobe Achievement Award, 2016
Finalist, Heartland Film Festival , Indianapolis, 2016
Official selection, ITFS- 24th Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film, Germany, 2017
Official selection, Columbus International Film and video Festival, Ohio, 2017
Official selection, Festival du film court en plein air de Grenoble,France, 2017
Official selection, Animac, Mostra Internacional de Cinema D’Animacio’ de Catallunua, 2017
Official selection, Montclair Film Festival, New Jersey, 2017 
Official selection, Athens International Film and Video Festival, Ohio, 2017
Official selection, Festival du film court en plein air de Grenoble, France, 2017
Official selection, Tricky Women Festival, Austria, 2017
Official selection, Drawtastic’s 2D or not 2D Animation Festival, Seattle,WA, 2017
Official selection, 30th Leeds International Film Festival, Leeds, UK, 2016
Official selection, Manchester Animation Festival, UK, 2016 
Official selection, Animation Block party, Brooklyn, 2016
Official selection, VOID - International Animation Film Festival 
Official selection,Savannah Film Festival , Savannah, 2016
Official selection,Reggio Film Festival, Italy, 2016 
Official selection, Peace Builder Film Festival, New Delhi, India, 2016
Official selection, Orlando Film Festival, 2016 
Official selection, Manhattan Independent Film Festival, New York, 2016
Official selection, South Texas Underground Film Festival,2016 
Official selection, RIT Honor Show, Rochester institute of Technology,NY, 2016
Official selection, Euro Fest, European International Film Festival,St. Petersburg, Russia 2016
Official selection, Iranian Film Festival Zurich , 2016
Official selection, Anibar Animation Festival, Albania, 2016
Official selection, Immigration film Festival, DC, 2016
Official selection, Athens ANIMFEST, Athens, Greece, 2016
Official selection, Anifilm, Troben , Czech Republic, 2016
Official selection, Golden kuker-Sofia" Festival, Bulgaria, 2016
Official selection, Doc Sunback Film Festival, Mulvane, Kansas, 2016
Official selection, Film Score and Scruffy City Film & Music festival, Knoxville, TN, 2016
Official selection, Capital City Film Festival, Lansing, MI,2016
Official selection, La Feminista Series, Los Angeles, CA, 2016
Official selection, TAAFI, Toronto Animation Arts Festival International, Toronto, Canada,2016
Official selection, Vaughan Film Festival, Vaughan, Canada, 2016
Official selection, Los Angeles CineFest, CA, 2016

Directed by: 
Naghmeh Farzaneh
Writing credits: 
Naghmeh Farzaneh
Produced by: 
Music by: 
Nima Farzaneh
Cinematography by: 
Other crew: 
Sound Design: Lucas Gonzalez, Alex Montoya
Release Date: 
Friday, January 1, 2016
Official website:
Total votes: 7856
