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Sarasate, the King of the Violin


Pablo Sarasate was one of the best violinists in the world, surpassing the very Paganini.
The film explores through the Polish violinist Anna Radomska, and numerous chats with experts musicologists, Pablo’s technique and career.
Through fictionalized sequences, we will discover his complex personality and the relationship with his mother and great friend, Julian Gayarre, the famous tenor.
We will also see how his compositions are still alive and are part of the repertoire of the most important current violinists, such as Tianwa Yang or Ara Malikian.
Finally, the confessions of his only great-nephew, still alive, will discover the life of a child prodigy marked by tragedy, who knew how to win the highest social spheres of the early XIX Century.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Joaquín Calderón
Writers: Joaquín Calderón
Producers: Joaquín Calderón
Key cast: Tianwa Yang, Joseph Gold, Ara Malikian, Maria Valderrama, Alexandre De la Cerda

Information for theatres: 

Student project: No
Completion date: 2016-01-01
Shooting format: Digital
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: Yes

Total votes: 3799