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Rush Call Clown

"Rush Call Clown is the story about why we choose to do the things we do and how those reasons can be very personal and dear"

A social media post turns a man’s life upside down. 

This is a story about a man's life turning upside down when a celebrity’s social media post portrays the man's clown self as scary and violent,

which sparks a negative spiral for his career as a children's clown entertainer. 

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 


This is the story about why we choose to do the things we do and how those reasons can be very personal and dear to one's heart. In Rush Call Clown a man's life turns
upside down when a celebrity's social media post portrays the man's clown self as scary and violent, which sparks a negative spiral for his career as a children's clown entertainer.
Screenings / Awards: 

Winner Judges Award London Discover Film Festival Oct 2016

Award Winner TBA New York Academy of Film and Music (Rush Call Clown to receive an orginal score by a noted composter and a private screening Feb 2018)

Offical Selection New York Academy of Film and Music (Rush Call Clown to receive an orginal score by a noted composter and a private screening Feb 2018

Winner Award of Recognition Best Shorts Competition 2017

Pre-select Finalist 2nd Reykjavik Visions Film Festival 2017 in consideration for 2018

New York State Film Festival 2018 Pre-selected

Toronto International Independent Film Festiva l2018  Pre-selected

German United Film Festival 2018 Pre-selected 

Cardiff International Film Festival Official Selection Oct 2017


Directed by: 
Olan Montgomery
Writing credits: 
Olan Montgomery
Olan Montgomery Wendy Callard-Booz Aaron Rosen Claire Hayner Abby Tealey Duncan Wilson Hanna Edwards Heather Gilbert Issac Tealey Jennifer Tealey Jomy Espinal Jules Helm Justin Scalise Kimberly Magness Michael Cramer Raina Cheng Roger Smith Sheron Cummins Tania Garron Wisullah Ali
Produced by: 
Olan Montgomery Tadashi Mitsui
Music by: 
Ross Burgen Alex Beroza
Cinematography by: 
Olan Montgomery
Film Editing by: 
Megan A. Zebrowski
Casting by: 
Olan Montgomery
Production Design by: 
Olan Montgomery
Art Direction by: 
Olan Montgomery
Set Decoration by: 
Olan Montgomery
Costume Design by: 
Olan Montgomery
Makeup Department: 
Olan Montgomery
Production Management: 
Olan Montgomery
Other crew: 
Kyle Fisher
Release Date: 
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Total votes: 1772
