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Revolution Selfie; The Red Battalion


Revolution Selfie expands the horizons of documentary storytelling while broadening our understanding about the lesser-known fronts in the global “War on Terror.” Filmmaker Steven De Castro paints a portrait of the 48 year-old Maoist guerilla army in the Philippine hinterlands. But rather than simply presenting interviews and images in a traditional journalistic manner, this film weaves fantasy elements and web-based camera techniques into the documentary form to disrupt our entire matrix of widely held beliefs underpinning the discussion of terrorism, poverty, and the motivations of the warriors who fight in a peasant revolution.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Steven De Castro
Key cast: Steven De Castro, Jose Maria Sison, Patrimunio Family, Luis Jalandoni, Julie De Lima, Bomnifacio Ilagan


Information for theatres: 

Student project: No
Completion date: 2017-12-01
Shooting format: Digital 2.7k and 4k
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: No

Total votes: 1794
