Rajsic is a 3D animated short film that aims to compel the youth of the world to live healthy lifestyles by showing them the deleterious effects of junk food. The title has two meanings. First, the term rajsic is the category of rich and heavy foods in the science of Ayurveda, and second, is the portmanteau of the main character’s name Raj and the state that befalls him: being sick. In the film, we follow bites of food into Raj’s digestive system, which is represented metaphorically by an industrial sci-fi world. Due to excessive junk food, this world falls into a state of distress with its inhabitants experiencing malnutrition. Rajsic straddles the genres of punk science fiction, tragedy, and public service announcement.
Rajsic is a 3D animated short film that aims to compel the youth of the world to live healthy lifestyles by showing them the deleterious effects of junk food. The title has two meanings. First, the term rajsic is the category of rich and heavy foods in the science of Ayurveda, and second, is the portmanteau of the main character’s name Raj and the state that befalls him: being sick. In the film, we follow bites of food into Raj’s digestive system, which is represented metaphorically by an industrial sci-fi world. Due to excessive junk food, this world falls into a state of distress with its inhabitants experiencing malnutrition. Rajsic straddles the genres of punk science fiction, tragedy, and public service announcement.