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The Radicalization of Jeff Boyd


A businessman, Jeff Boyd, dreams of living in Australia where his friend Morton, a crazy bakery shop owner, already has settled down. Morton keeps trying to persuade him to come over soon. Frank who always lets Jeff stay at his place while he’s abroad advises he should invest with Mr. Mueller from Marinin Resources Inc., a commodity trading firm. As Jeff signs the investment contract, he is full of hope to be able to leave the country with a pocket full of cash. After a phone call with Mr. Mueller, he realizes that it’s not that easy. And during a heavy argument with his boss, Jeff’s world collapses. That’s when he meets Wendy, also in a delicate state. As they get to know each other, they discover being soulmates. Their common worries about what the world turns into comes more and more to light. They want to change that and develop a dangerous plan!

Information for the Audience: 

Uwe Schwarzwaelder was born in Waedenswil near Zurich, Switzerland, with German and Bulgarian roots. He was always attracted to the arts with lots of singing at school, later with modelling and acting. He lived in Los Angeles where he appeared in many TV and film productions and visited several acting workshops. He’s been studying with Dianne Hull, protege of Strasberg and Kazan, and Lorrie Hull, expert Master Teacher with her own book “Strasberg’s Method”, in Santa Monica. He also studied with well-renowned coach Jack Waltzer, life time member of the Actor’s Studio, in his workshops in London.

The Radicalization of Jeff Boyd is Uwe Schwarzwalder’s second film as an executive producer. He wrote the screenplay in summer 2014, filmed the core scenes in March 2015 and the rest until February 2016. He edited the film in cooperation with 3 composers and a sound editor.


Information for theatres: 

Director’s statement
This is my first directing of a feature film. I tried to bring out the essence in each actor respectively character and to stay truthful to the moment. Important to me was also the logical aspect of the story being told while trying to always keep the tension so to speak alive. All has to make sense, be believable, as it would be the real life. And it becomes the real life with weaknesses, vulnerabilities, inner thoughts and objectives. Another important aspect to me was to package all in a minimalistic setting. Last but not least to wrap it in musical themes which tell the underlying emotions, thrives and drama.

Directed by: 
Uwe Schwarzwalder
Writing credits: 
Uwe Schwarzwalder
Uwe Schwarzwalder Yessica Sanchez Zarina Tadjibaeva Jörg Reichlin Julian Booth Brian Pinkus Freigeist van Tazzy Leonard Kocan Patricia Sluka
Produced by: 
Uwe Schwarzwalder, Zarina Tadjibaeva, Brian Pinkus, Frank Luchs, Sascha Dikov
Music by: 
Michael Klubertanz, Paco Periago, Brendan Gillespie
Cinematography by: 
Uwe Schwarzwalder, Brian Pinkus
Film Editing by: 
Uwe Schwarzwalder, Paco Periago
Production Design by: 
Susanne Kirschner, Uwe Schwarzwalder
Set Decoration by: 
Susanne Kirschner
Makeup Department: 
Nicole Fernández
Other crew: 
Sound: Osmany Hernandez
Release Date: 
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Official website:
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