Orange Confucius is a multiply doubled adventure into the very nature of cinema. Combining macro and micro world-views, labour and therapeutics – the film tracks a real journey and a real love affair, yet it does this via parallel forays in and out of a radically fictional dimension. Mythological and religious, performative and ritualistic, it locates the brevity of time in eternal echoes, redemption in embodiment. The lovers travel as if magical cosmic twins; but their earthbound existence induces recurring distraction, ill health, and indifference. Resolution comes, but it too is multiply doubled.
Orange Confucius is a multiply doubled adventure into the very nature of cinema. Combining macro and micro world-views, labour and therapeutics – the film tracks a real journey and a real love affair, yet it does this via parallel forays in and out of a radically fictional dimension. Mythological and religious, performative and ritualistic, it locates the brevity of time in eternal echoes, redemption in embodiment. The lovers travel as if magical cosmic twins; but their earthbound existence induces recurring distraction, ill health, and indifference. Resolution comes, but it too is multiply doubled.
Directors: Frank Fu
Writers: Frank Fu
Producers: Ada Chin
Key cast: Ada Chin
Student project: No
Completion date: 2014-12-31
Shooting format: Digital
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: Yes