This animated short film bridges family-friendly animation and arthouse cinema with the story of a lost orphan trying to find shelter in a desolate German village in the 1890's, where he finds the giant robot creature called Novalis, that seems to be threatening and dangerous, until something more human is revealed.
Information for the Audience:
Directors: Chris Powell
Writers: Chris Powell
Key cast:
This animated short film bridges family-friendly animation and arthouse cinema with the story of a lost orphan trying to find shelter in a desolate German village in the 1890's, where he finds the giant robot creature called Novalis, that seems to be threatening and dangerous, until something more human is revealed.
Directors: Chris Powell
Writers: Chris Powell
Key cast:
Student project: No
Completion date:
Shooting format:
Aspect ratio:
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: No