Norman is a dark, comedic thriller about a struggling amateur comedian trying to reinvent himself. After a stark mid-life crisis, Norman wrestles with his fear of failure and of not knowing himself until the day he meets a stranger who pushes him over the edge. Shot in present day Toronto, Canada.
Directors: Ben Davies
Writers: Ben Davies, Tristan Steiner
Producers: Craig Henry
Key cast: Ben Davies,Ry Barrett,Will Conlon,Ron Boyd,Michele Kaye,Kristen MacCulloch
Norman is a dark, comedic thriller about a struggling amateur comedian trying to reinvent himself. After a stark mid-life crisis, Norman wrestles with his fear of failure and of not knowing himself until the day he meets a stranger who pushes him over the edge. Shot in present day Toronto, Canada.
Directors: Ben Davies
Writers: Ben Davies, Tristan Steiner
Producers: Craig Henry
Key cast: Ben Davies,Ry Barrett,Will Conlon,Ron Boyd,Michele Kaye,Kristen MacCulloch
Student project: No
Completion date: 03/13/2017
Shooting format: HDV
Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: Yes