Nakle Master of Fire, a film by Pia Azevedo and João Divino, is a documentary that exposes important events in the life of Uruguayan sculptor Gustavo Nakle. Narrated in the first person, directly and humorous way, riding a kaleidoscope of pictorial images that together provide us understand how this man / multifaceted artist was polished. Childhood memories in Uruguay, the discovery of art as a teenager, the arrival in Brazil and their questions regarding your art and your future are some of the topics that make this true and exciting film.
English subtitle:
Information for the Audience:
Directors: Pia Azevedo e João Divino
Writers: Pia Azevedo e João Divino
Producers: Pia Azevedo e João Divino
Production Company: Zarabatana Filmes
Key cast: Gustavo Nakle
Nakle Master of Fire, a film by Pia Azevedo and João Divino, is a documentary that exposes important events in the life of Uruguayan sculptor Gustavo Nakle. Narrated in the first person, directly and humorous way, riding a kaleidoscope of pictorial images that together provide us understand how this man / multifaceted artist was polished. Childhood memories in Uruguay, the discovery of art as a teenager, the arrival in Brazil and their questions regarding your art and your future are some of the topics that make this true and exciting film.
Directors: Pia Azevedo e João Divino
Writers: Pia Azevedo e João Divino
Producers: Pia Azevedo e João Divino
Production Company: Zarabatana Filmes
Key cast: Gustavo Nakle
Student project: No
Completion date: 2015-06-10
Shooting format: Digital
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: Yes