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Mysteria and the Village Spell


In a village where everything seems to be normal, certain tales and fantastic stories are told. A crossroad of stories where monsters, witches, princesses and kings want to mess up the life of Franquelim, who is a young father who does not believe in any of these things. A film that promises to have everything from fantasy, drama, fear, love, comedy, songs and not so easy ending.

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: João Morais Inácio
Writers: João Morais Inácio
Producers: João Morais Inácio
Key cast: Pedro Rodil, Raquel Jacob, Leonor Mendes, Cátia Tomé , Sérgio Moura Afonso


Information for theatres: 

Student project: No
Completion date:
Shooting format: Digital
Aspect ratio: 1.35:1
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: No

Total votes: 530
