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Moammar Emka's Jakarta Undercover


Pursuing his dreams of becoming a successful journalist, PRAS (Oka Antara), a young man from Jombang, went to Jakarta to learn from DJARWO (Lukman Sardi), an editor-in-chief of a news magazine. His idealism is tainted when he realizes that the magazine is taking advantage of his brilliant writing skills to write scam articles.

Pras’ conscience rebels against the situation, especially after he meets AWINK (Ganindra Bimo), who introduces him to YOGA (Baim Wong), an important figure in Jakarta’s party business scene. Pras also meets LAURA (Tiara Eve), a woman who adds colors to his life. Laura also thinks of Pras as a refreshing character amidst the typical men she meets in Jakarta.

Without him realizing it, Pras finds himself to be at the center of Jakarta’s nightlife scene. The deeper he digs in, the deeper he gets sucked into it. Besides, Pras wants to change his life and career into something more significant. With the interesting information that he has in his hands, Pras tries to convince Djarwo to help him bring his idea to life.

Will Pras succeed in the pursuit of his dreams, in the city that constantly changes people for the worse? Who wears their masks, and who betrays whom? Are the faces you see the real faces of the people?

Information for the Audience: 

Directors: Fajar Nugros
Writers: Piu Syarif, Fajar Nugros
Producers: Producer: Susanti Dewi, Executive Producer: Moammar Emka, Co Producer: Susy Octavia
Key cast: Oka Antara, Baim Wong, Ganindra Bimo, Tiara Eve, Tio Pakusadewo


Information for theatres: 

Student project: No
Completion date: 2016-04-30
Shooting format: 2K Alexa Mini
Aspect ratio: 2:35
Film color: Color
First-time filmmaker: No

Total votes: 921
