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The Memory of the Hands. Echoes of C. Freinet's pedagogic legacy in Murcia



A trip to the memory, to recover those experiencies and pedagogical principles of Celestin Freinet in the Region of Murcia through their main characters. The Memory of the Hands is the first documentary film in Spain to be produced by a public university about public school.


The Memory of the Hands is but a metaphor of what the university should be: teaching, research, innovation and transference of culture and cultural memory.  The films wants to recover and preserve the teacher's educational memory who strove beyond what the education administration expected of them. This teachers worked so that their studients could be better citizens and people. They looked after the boys and girls so they could choose, take responsibility and cooperate. 


The heroes of our schools who are now a little less forgotten. 


English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

Original title: La Memoria De Las Manos. Ecos del legado pedagógico de C. Freinet en Murcia.
English title: The Memory of the Hands. Echoes of C. Freinet’s pedagogic legacy in Murcia.


Director: Alfonso Burgos Risco

Writer: Alfonso Burgos Risco


Producers: Javier Tavira Moreno, Antonio Nicolás Sánchez


Production: University of Murcia (Multimedia Support Unit – TvUM) in collaboration with the Center of Studies on Educational Memory (CEME)


Key cast: Antonio López Martínez, Benigno Polo Costa, Aniceto López Serrano, Jesús Martínez Corbalán, Juan Almagro Oruro, Pedro Antonio Ríos Martínez, Alba García García, Alfonso Burgos Meseguer, Juan Mompean Pérez, Francisco Bastida Martínez, Antonio Galvañ Olivares, María Jesús Fernández Navarro, Enrique Fuster Espinosa

Country: España
Language: Español

Subtitle: English


Art direction and animation: Alfonso Burgos

Animation Department: Alfonso Burgos, José María Laborda (CGI 3D), Adela Martínez Fernández-Delgado (scanning documents and slides); Alberto J. García García, María Garres Sánchez y Cristina Tapia Ros (Freinet’s rotoscoping drawing); Jorge González Carpintero, Carmen Jiménez Abellán y Verónica Cámara Beviá (Freinet’s rotoscoping colour).

Techniques: CGI, Cut-out (digital), CGI 3d and rotoscoping.

Cinematography: Isaac Rupérez Cano, Alfonso Burgos Risco.
Camera operators: Antonio Gómez Gálvez, Fernando Bernabé Casas, Erica López Muñoz, Verónica Cámara Beviá.

Original Sound Track: José Alacid Beltrán (acreditado como Pepe Alacid), Claude Debussy (composición “La Fille aux cheveux de lin”), Maurice Ravel (composición “Pavane pour une Infante Defunte”)

Edition: Alfonso Burgos (editor and postproduction), Isaac Rupérez Cano (color correction)

Sound: Isaac Rupérez Cano y Javier Tavira Moreno (sound’s edition and postproduction)

Color: Color (Aspect 1.85:1, HD digital)


Film Time: The Memory of the Hands. Echoes of C. Freinet’s pedagogical legacy in Murcia is the story of those teachers who carried out the principles and techniques of Celestin Freinet in the Region of Murcia. In this way, there are three stages in the film: a contemporary review from time, through the research and the story of the student and the teachers; teachers experiences between the late seventies and eighties, when teachers performed their teaching experiences; and anecdotally, the representation of experiences and motivation of Celestin Freinet through rotoscoping of some sequences of the film “L’ecole Buissonniere” of Jean-Paul Le Chanois (1949).

Film Space: The filmic space is constructed from the research of the pedagogy of Celestin Freinet formulated in a class located in the room 02 of Aulario Ginés de los Rios of the University of Murcia; the student attends interviews in C.E.I.P. ‘Virgen de la Fuensanta’ in La Alberca (Murcia), the archaeological remains of the Castle of Yecla, the C.E.I.P. ‘La Paz’ inYecla, the C.I.P.S. and S.E. ‘Escuela Equipo’ in Murcia, the C.E.I.P. ‘Narciso Yepes’ in Murcia, complementing the research at the Theory and History of Education’s Library of Department, Faculty of Education at the University of Murcia and the General Library in Campus Espinardo.


Screenings / Awards: 


* 2nd Best Documentary of the Month in 12 Months Film Festival (Noviember, 2015)

* Feature documentary, winners 2015 in Hollywood International Independent Documentary Awards (December 2015)
* Feature Foreign Award of Recognition in Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival (January, 2016)

* Best Foreign Documentary Feature in Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards (January, 2016)

* Award of Merit in The IndieFEST Film Awards (May, 2016)
* Best Educational Film in The Hollywood Boulevard Film Festivals (July, 2016)

Information for theatres: 

Student project: No Completion date: 2015-09-15 Shooting format: Digital Aspect ratio: 16:9 Film color: Color First-time filmmaker: Yes

Total votes: 4511