Political strife turned Kashmiri Rapper MC Kash takes to the hip hop life. Kashmir has long been in the history books as a conflict region. The government has one story to say and various sects of the Kashmiri society has various stories to say. Freedom can be subjective from person to person. What is freedom to you might not be the freedom that I would want. Wherever you turn your eye you can see the same. Sometimes freedom is free from law, order. Sometimes freedom is free of attachments - physical and metaphysical. Sometime freedom is to love and ultimately be free with the universe. Like the sufis say! Taking his stage name from his homeland - Kashmir, MC Kash is an up and coming underground Hip Hop artist. Determined to express himself fully as a street poet, this 22-year old rapper is fast emerging as a lyrical storyteller with a distinct voice. Simultaneously engaging the world of Hip Hop, urban beats and indigenous Kashmiri sounds and cultural influences, Kash’s rap songs mix diverse beauty to orchestrate original sounds of unity that support his clear-hearted and exacting lyrics. And his love for bringing in Sufism into the music he creates. Kash took to Hip Hop to render a voice to his thoughts and feelings and to paint a picture of his streets and give a voice to his people, both of which have been misrepresented by petty politics and a biased media. Born in 1990, Kash belongs to a generation of Kashmiris that grew up under the shadow of guns, whose childhood memories are that of a war, raged in the streets. Where India, Pakistan and China has been staging one upmanship against the other, it is the common, poor people of Kashmir who still live behind decades. Innocent kids smiling everywhere, worried adults trying to smile and a simmering environment that these kids will grow up to and the adults will say goodbye to... The film tries to hear a troubled Kashmir through Kash's music and the film makers eye.
Official Selection, Beyond Borders, Diversity in Cannes, 2018 Official Selection, IDSFFK, Trivandrum, Kerala, 2018 Official Selection, Scandinavian International Film Festival, Helsinki, 2017 Official Selection, Kaohsiung International Film Festival, Taiwan, 2017 Semi Finalist, Festival Internazionale del cinema documentario "Marcellino De Baggis", Italy, 2017 Official Selection, MAMI, Mumbai, (Short Version)
Political strife turned Kashmiri Rapper MC Kash takes to the hip hop life. Kashmir has long been in the history books as a conflict region. The government has one story to say and various sects of the Kashmiri society has various stories to say. Freedom can be subjective from person to person. What is freedom to you might not be the freedom that I would want. Wherever you turn your eye you can see the same. Sometimes freedom is free from law, order. Sometimes freedom is free of attachments - physical and metaphysical. Sometime freedom is to love and ultimately be free with the universe. Like the sufis say! Taking his stage name from his homeland - Kashmir, MC Kash is an up and coming underground Hip Hop artist. Determined to express himself fully as a street poet, this 22-year old rapper is fast emerging as a lyrical storyteller with a distinct voice. Simultaneously engaging the world of Hip Hop, urban beats and indigenous Kashmiri sounds and cultural influences, Kash’s rap songs mix diverse beauty to orchestrate original sounds of unity that support his clear-hearted and exacting lyrics. And his love for bringing in Sufism into the music he creates. Kash took to Hip Hop to render a voice to his thoughts and feelings and to paint a picture of his streets and give a voice to his people, both of which have been misrepresented by petty politics and a biased media. Born in 1990, Kash belongs to a generation of Kashmiris that grew up under the shadow of guns, whose childhood memories are that of a war, raged in the streets. Where India, Pakistan and China has been staging one upmanship against the other, it is the common, poor people of Kashmir who still live behind decades. Innocent kids smiling everywhere, worried adults trying to smile and a simmering environment that these kids will grow up to and the adults will say goodbye to... The film tries to hear a troubled Kashmir through Kash's music and the film makers eye.
Official Selection, Beyond Borders, Diversity in Cannes, 2018
Official Selection, IDSFFK, Trivandrum, Kerala, 2018
Official Selection, Scandinavian International Film Festival, Helsinki, 2017
Official Selection, Kaohsiung International Film Festival, Taiwan, 2017
Semi Finalist, Festival Internazionale del cinema documentario "Marcellino De Baggis", Italy, 2017
Official Selection, MAMI, Mumbai, (Short Version)