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Mary Mother


Mary and her daughters live in a remote village of Afghanistan, and her only son is serving for military in Kunduz province. Upon hearing the authorities have no news of her son after a fatal attack, she starts her own journey to find her son.

English subtitle: 
Information for the Audience: 

watch something diffrent and new.

Screenings / Awards: 

50 selections and 18 awards

Directed by: 
Sadam Wahidi
Writing credits: 
Sadam Wahidi
Zubaida Sahar, Faroqu Baraki
Produced by: 
Abdul Tamim Zarabi
Music by: 
Mac leave kevein
Cinematography by: 
Waqef Hussaini
Film Editing by: 
Sadam Wahidi
Costume Design by: 
Mohammad Ayob Omar
Release Date: 
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Total votes: 1751
